Scientific tool to fit given data to various non-linear equations. The app can used for curve fitting equations upto seventh degree polynomials as well as exponential, power and logarithm functions. The app is very useful for engineers, scientists, economists to analyze the non-linear system encountered in practical problems. The app has a very rich and is very user-friendly UI (user interface). The results can be sent to any e-mail id by using “Send e-mail” option in main menu.
(for curve fitting more that 10 points.Please the buy paid version which curve fit upto 50 points)
Key Features:
- Plots the original data and curve-fit equation in form of X-Y curves
-Computes “R2’ to estimates the how well the curve fits
-The percentage error of curve-fit at all points can be visualized in form of bar chart
-Can be used to interpolate and extrapolate data using the curve-fit
This App is ad supported.
★ Application areas: Some of applications areas are:
• Physics and sciences
• Engineering
• Finance and Economics
• Industry
• Research
★ Who should buy this app?
-Engineering students
-Science students
★ Why buy this app?
- Fits non-linear equation in quick time
- Reduces time in calculations.
-Reduces effort and time in research.
★ Have Suggestions or Issues?
Email: and you'll get a prompt response.
Alat Ilmiah untuk cocok diberikan data ke berbagai persamaan non-linear. Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan untuk kurva persamaan pas upto polinomial derajat ketujuh serta eksponensial, kekuasaan dan fungsi logaritma. Aplikasi ini sangat berguna untuk insinyur, ilmuwan, ekonom untuk menganalisis sistem non-linear yang dihadapi dalam masalah-masalah praktis. Aplikasi ini memiliki sangat kaya dan sangat user-friendly UI (user interface). Hasilnya dapat dikirim ke setiap id e-mail dengan menggunakan "Kirim e-mail" di menu utama.
(Untuk kurva pas lebih dari 10 points.Please versi membeli dibayar yang curve fit upto 50 poin)
Fitur Utama:
- Plot data asli dan persamaan kurva-fit dalam bentuk kurva XY
-Computes "R2 'to perkiraan seberapa baik cocok kurva
-The Kesalahan persentase kurva-fit pada semua titik dapat divisualisasikan dalam bentuk bar chart
-Bisa Digunakan untuk interpolasi dan ekstrapolasi data menggunakan kurva-fit
Aplikasi ini adalah iklan yang didukung.
★ Aplikasi bidang: Beberapa aplikasi daerah adalah:
• Fisika dan ilmu
• Rekayasa
• Keuangan dan Ekonomi
• Industri
• Penelitian
★ Siapa yang harus membeli aplikasi ini?
Siswa -Engineering
Siswa -Science
★ Mengapa membeli aplikasi ini?
- Cocok persamaan non-linear dalam waktu cepat
- Mengurangi waktu dalam perhitungan.
-Reduces Usaha dan waktu dalam penelitian.
★ Memiliki Saran atau Masalah?
Email: dan Anda akan mendapatkan respon cepat.
Scientific tool to fit given data to various non-linear equations. The app can used for curve fitting equations upto seventh degree polynomials as well as exponential, power and logarithm functions. The app is very useful for engineers, scientists, economists to analyze the non-linear system encountered in practical problems. The app has a very rich and is very user-friendly UI (user interface). The results can be sent to any e-mail id by using “Send e-mail” option in main menu.
(for curve fitting more that 10 points.Please the buy paid version which curve fit upto 50 points)
Key Features:
- Plots the original data and curve-fit equation in form of X-Y curves
-Computes “R2’ to estimates the how well the curve fits
-The percentage error of curve-fit at all points can be visualized in form of bar chart
-Can be used to interpolate and extrapolate data using the curve-fit
This App is ad supported.
★ Application areas: Some of applications areas are:
• Physics and sciences
• Engineering
• Finance and Economics
• Industry
• Research
★ Who should buy this app?
-Engineering students
-Science students
★ Why buy this app?
- Fits non-linear equation in quick time
- Reduces time in calculations.
-Reduces effort and time in research.
★ Have Suggestions or Issues?
Email: and you'll get a prompt response.